+1 (770) 278-7000


Appropriate permits are required for any new construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or demolition of structures.  Permits may also be required for the installation, extension, alteration or general repair of electrical, mechanical or plumbing systems.

The review process is streamlined to minimize the time necessary to issue a permit. The department coordinates the review with all applicable departments including stormwater, fire department, water/sewer department, and the environmental health department when necessary.

Contact Us

Telephone:  770-278-7163
Fax:  770-278-8940
email: buildingpermit@rockdalecountyga.gov

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 289
Conyers, Georgia 30012

Permit Applications

For all general permits, projects of limited scope, individual permits and all other permits, please search:

Search all Forms and Applications

*Please note that new and major renovation permits are “master permits” and that individual permits for each activity are not required.

Special Event Permit

Rockdale County Code defines a Special Event as “any organized activity having as its purpose recreation, entertainment or education, such as a festival, carnival, celebration, foot or vehicle race, parade, procession, block party, or similar assembly which takes place on private property, or on Rockdale County public property including public streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way, or parks, and which will affect the ordinary use of such public property through impacts such as street closings, unlawful parking, impeding emergency access, unsanitary conditions, blocking ingress and egress to private property, and similar impacts, except as exempted under subsection 218-2(1).

Please contact the Planning and Development department with questions about exemptions or otherwise.

Applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the event to allow all the departments to review and comment.

For more details, please consult Section 218-2 – Special Event Permits of the Unified Development Ordinance.

Search all Forms and Applications

Sustainable Development

Rockdale County is committed to becoming a greener, more sustainable community. As such, applicants can receive up to a 100% rebate in permit fees for new or renovated construction that follows sustainable development practices, including green building certification, green affordable housing development, solar energy and smart growth.

To learn more, read about the process for implementing sustainable practices through Rockdale County’s Planning & Development department, or read the full resolution supporting sustainable development incentives here.

Residential Permitting Information

Development Permits Sec. 302-44 (refers to all land disturbance):
1. No person shall conduct any land disturbing activity within the county without first obtaining a land disturbance permit from the department to perform such activity, unless the activity is otherwise exempt from the soil erosion and sedimentation control provisions in chapter 306 of this UDO.

 2. A land disturbance permit shall be issued to authorize all activities associated with development activity; including, but not limited to, clearing and grubbing, grading and the construction of such improvements as streets, surface parking areas and drives, stormwater drainage facilities, sidewalks, or other structures permanently placed on or in the property except for buildings, signs or other structures requiring the issuance of a building permit.

 3. Payment of ad valorem taxes. A land disturbance permit shall not be issued unless the applicant provides a statement by the Rockdale County Tax Commissioner certifying that all ad valorem taxes levied against the property and due and owing have been paid.

Commercial and Other Non-Residential Permitting Information

Development Permits Sec. 302-44 (refers to all land disturbance):
1. No person shall conduct any land-disturbing activity within the county without first obtaining a land disturbance permit from the department to perform such activity, unless the activity is otherwise exempt from the soil erosion and sedimentation control provisions in chapter 306 of this UDO.

 2. A land disturbance permit shall be issued to authorize all activities associated with development activity; including, but not limited to, clearing and grubbing, grading and the construction of such improvements as streets, surface parking areas and drives, stormwater drainage facilities, sidewalks, or other structures permanently placed on or in the property except for buildings, signs or other structures requiring the issuance of a building permit.

 3. Payment of ad valorem taxes. A land disturbance permit shall not be issued unless the applicant provides a statement by the Rockdale County Tax Commissioner certifying that all ad valorem taxes levied against the property and due and owing have been paid.

Planning & Development

Rockdale County Planning & Development
1117 West Avenue SW,
Conyers, GA 30012
Phone: (770) 278-7100

Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Office Hours:  Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Code Enforcement

Rockdale County Code Enforcement
2570 Old Covington Highway
Conyers, GA  30012 (map)
Phone:  770-278-7103 

Report a Code Violation  

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Building Permits

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Permit Inspections

Proposed Millage Web Booklet
Budget Information 2025
BioLab Incident Resource Guide
Transit Development Plan Survey
Reimagine Rockdale
Rockdale Economic Development
UGA Extension