+1 (770) 278-7000

Stormwater Utility Fees & Credits


To fund the efforts that keep the stormwater system fully operational, a Stormwater Utility fee is collected from Rockdale County property owners. This fee is used to replace old pipes, reduce pollution, monitor water quality, and maintain the stormwater infrastructure. The funds exclusively support the continual upkeep of the system to protect and preserve our community.
Commercial Fees are assessed according to the impervious surface area, and residential fees are based on a flat rate which is currently $114.00.
Stormwater Utility fees can be found on your property tax bill, although they are not associated with property taxes.


There are many actions you can take as a Rockdale County resident to reduce stormwater runoff and clean pollutants on your property. When you adopt stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) that reduce the burden on the community’s drainage system, you are eligible to receive fee credits.
Credits are available in two areas: Watershed Stewardship and Water Quality. The total maximum credit for any property is 40 percent, and once credits are processed, they are applied to the Stormwater Utility Fee on your property tax bill. Taking advantage of fee credits both protects water quality and saves you money.
For the full manual and details on credits, see the Stormwater Credits Manual. (Link to manual will be provided upon manual creation.)
You can apply to for Stormwater Utility fee credits free of charge by using the form and instructions included below. Applicants must submit a credit application between January 1 and March 31 of the year the credit is to be applied. (Link to form will be provided upon form creation.)


1119 West Avenue
Conyers, GA 30012

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 1495
Conyers, GA 30012

Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday


Telephone: (770) 278-7155



To Report a Problem:


Proposed Millage Web Booklet
Budget Information 2025
BioLab Incident Resource Guide
Transit Development Plan Survey
Reimagine Rockdale
Rockdale Economic Development
UGA Extension