+1 (770) 278-7000

Stormwater Management


To provide efficient, effective and essential stormwater infrastructure services for a highly engaged community network of individuals who live, work and play in Rockdale County.


To develop a sustainable stormwater infrastructure for the connected community through educational, protective and restorative systems that benefit ecological and human health

Stormwater utility Credits

Outreach related items (like get educated)


Open records request

Contact Us:

Email: rcswu@rockdalecountyga.gov
Office: 770-278-7155
After Hours: 770-278-7145

Department of Stormwater Management
Administration and Services Building
958 Milstead Ave.
P.O. Box 1495
Conyers, GA 3001

What is Stormwater?

Every time it rains some of the water seeps into the ground, but some of the water is unable to and becomes “stormwater runoff”. Rainfall will soak into the ground, particularly if the land cover is vegetated or has a tree canopy.  Developed areas increase the amount of surfaces (i.e., driveways, parking lots, roofs, sidewalks and roads) that prevent water from soaking into the ground. When less of the rainfall can soak into the ground, surface runoff generally increases, sometimes significantly. Increased runoff contributes to higher peak flows in drainage systems and receiving streams, as well as higher runoff volumes. Higher peak flows and volumes contribute to urban stormwater management challenges, including flooding safety hazards, property damage and impacts to surface water quality and stream health.

Stormwater management has become an increasingly important responsibility for local governments. Like other counties, Rockdale County has traditionally managed stormwater runoff by collecting and channeling it through its stormwater sewer system: catch basins on the side of roadways, underground pipes, junction boxes and ponds before it is released into our rivers, creeks and streams.

This stormwater runoff drains to the lowest point in the land area based on topography, known as a “watershed”. A watershed is when water “sheds” from the land after the rain falls and snow melts. Drop by drop, water is channeled into soils, groundwaters, creeks and streams making its way to larger rivers and eventually the sea. “Pervious” surfaces, such as grass land cover, allow rain water to seep into the ground. Due to development, there is an increased amount of “impervious” surfaces where water is not able to soak into the soil. If no businesses, streets and houses were in Rockdale County, then the water would flow as stated, but the County has stormwater infrastructure (stormwater sewer systems) in place to aid in transporting the rain water where it needs to go. All stormwater entering Rockdale County’s storm sewer system or a drainage ditch is released directly into bodies of water used for swimming, fishing and drinking.

Stormwater runoff can pick up pollutants such as: debris, litter, trash, dirt, leaves, grass clippings, sediment, pesticides, fertilizers, oil, grease, chemicals, pet waste and other contaminants as it runs off developed land. This polluted water is “non-point source” pollution, because there are many sources contributing to the pollution. In contrast, “point source” pollution originates from a single identifiable source such as a pipe from a wastewater treatment plant or a pipe from an industrial facility. Everything that happens in the watershed – development, pollution, erosion, flooding – has the potential to affect the health and stability of our water, so proper stormwater management and watershed management is essential.

Rockdale County has five major watershed districts: Big Haynes Creek, Yellow River, Honey Creek, Snapping Shoals Creek and South River.

The Stormwater Management Plan identifies the best management practices and measurable goals that reflects the community’s choices. The SWMP will reduce pollution through education, policy & procedures, inspection, and maintenance. These practices and goals form the basis on which the success of the Phase II program can be evaluated in each community and satisfy the requirements of the Clean Water Act.

The Rockdale County Stormwater Utility was created in 2005 to comply with federal requirements established by the Water Quality Act of 1987. The Utility was managed by the Planning & Development Department until February 2018, when the County created a separate Department of Stormwater Management. As a continuation of the Utility’s mission from 2005, the Department of Stormwater Management must inspect and maintain its drainage infrastructure, educate the public about proper stormwater management, and enforce practices to reduce pollution caused by stormwater runoff.

What is a storm drain structure?

Structures that collect and/or carry stormwater are considered storm drainage structures.  Some examples of typical storm drainage structures are shown below.

Catch Basins:

Grate Inlets:


Junction Box / Raised Lid Inlet:


Pipe Ends:

Drainage Ditches and Grass Swales:

Who is responsible for maintaining my pond?

Stormwater infrastructure located within the County road rights-of-way and on County-owned properties is the responsibility of Rockdale County to manage and maintain. On the other hand, stormwater drainage and stream systems beyond County roads and County-owned properties are generally the responsibility of individual private property owners.  Managing runoff is a shared responsibility between the County and private property owners countywide.

Rockdale County’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 310-134.a. allows the County to inspect, maintain and replace drainage systems within County-owned properties, rights-of-way and within platted drainage easements. (These areas are shown in the diagram below as being within the red-dashed lines.)

The County has no legal obligation to work within private property.  Instead, areas of private property are the property owner’s responsibility. This is the case for most drainage pipes, ditches and ponds within private property. Likewise, drainage systems along or under a private road must also be maintained by the property owner.

How Do I report a problem?

Contact Us:

Email: rcswu@rockdalecountyga.gov
Office: 770-278-7155
After Hours: 770-278-7145

Department of Stormwater Management
Administration and Services Building
958 Milstead Ave.
P.O. Box 1495
Conyers, GA 30012


1119 West Avenue
Conyers, GA 30012

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 1495
Conyers, GA 30012

Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday


Telephone: (770) 278-7155



To Report a Problem:



Proposed Millage Web Booklet
Budget Information 2025
BioLab Incident Resource Guide
Transit Development Plan Survey
Reimagine Rockdale
Rockdale Economic Development
UGA Extension