+1 (770) 278-7000

Parks and Recreation FAQ

How do I register for an activity or program?

You may come into Johnson Park Recreation Center or go online Here 

Or follow the QR code

What is the facility rental fees and how do I rent?

You will need to come into Johnson Park Recreation Center to rent a facility by signing the rental agreement and making your payment in full.  

The rental fees for each specific location can be found online at rockdalecountyga.gov, Parks and Recreation, and Facility Rentals. 

Where can I find a listing of all your programs and community events?

Our program brochure can be found online at rockdalecountyga.gov, parks and recreation, and program catalog.  

How do I reserve the tennis courts at your locations?

Our tennis courts at Johnson and Pine Log Park are not rentable, they are first come, first serve. Rentable courts are located at the Rockdale County Tennis Center off Parker Road. Please call 770-278-7251 for more information. 

What are your hours of operation at Johnson Park Recreation Center and how much does it cost?

The hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8am-9pm and Saturday 9am- 6pm. The recreation center is closed on Sundays.  

The daily entrance fee for county residents is $3 and for non-county residents is $5. The senior daily fee for those over the age of 65 is $2 in county and $3 non-county. The only method of payment accepted is debit or credit card

What type of events can I host at your parks or rental sites?

This does depend on the facility you are renting but most commonly we get parties, reunions, weddings, and meetings. Please call 770-278-7529 for further questions. 

May I have a bouncy house at your outdoor park?

We do not allow any bouncy house or equipment that needs to be staked into the ground due to park safety and maintenance needs.

May I bring my dog or fly my drone at your park?

Your dogs are allowed at the park, but they must be leashed unless you are at our dog park at Richardson and Johnson Park within the designated dog play area.  

Drones are not allowed to be flown in County Parks.

Is Black Shoals Park a swimming park?

There is no swimming allowed at Black Shoals. It is a boat and paddle lake.

Can I serve alcohol at my event on your rental property?

Alcohol is allowed at only a select number of rental facilities, and it is regulated that an approved Rockdale County vendor can only be serving. Please contact 770-278-7529 for more information. 

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