+1 (770) 278-7000

Emergency Management Agency


A disaster-ready and resilient Rockdale County.


Rockdale County Emergency Management Agency leads and coordinates mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery in Rockdale County to minimize the impact of disasters and emergencies on the people, property, environment, and economy.


Public Service, Respect, Collaboration, Integrity, and Competence

Rockdale County EMA also houses the Risk & Safety Management program, headed by Dishawn Norman. Risk & Safety Management aims to protect the employees and assets of Rockdale County via sufficient insurance and safety procedures.

Draft of the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan for the county:

Rockdale County Emergency Management has published the draft of the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan for the county. We invite all citizens, stakeholders, and affiliates of Rockdale County to read this plan and provide feedback in the comment section below. We will also be holding a public feedback meeting on August 21st to gather additional feedback. Please follow our Facebook and the County Calendar for a specific time and location.  

This Hazard Mitigation Plan is completed by the county every 5 years, and analyzes our main risks, threats, and hazards in the community. Rockdale County EMA creates a planning committee out of local public safety agencies and department stakeholders to help us identify the greatest hazards in the county. We then discuss how these hazards can be mitigated, and use them to create additional response plans within the county. Please feel free to provide comments, feedback, or ask questions.

The Community Emergency Response Team, or CERT, program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. In Rockdale County, the team assists in festival and large event management and plays an integral part in Rockdale County’s response plans.  

Are you interested in learning more about the Community Emergency Response Team in Rockdale County? Whether you’d like to be a full-blown volunteer, or just learn more about CERT, we encourage you to fill out the below information and a Rockdale County EMA Staff Member will reach out to you to discuss. 

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Form

Preferred Communication
Have you been a part of CERT in any other city or county?
Please choose the statement that best represents your interest level:


Rockdale County Emergency Management Agency

3500 East Fairview Rd SW
Stockbridge, Ga.  30281

Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Main Line: (770) 278-8405
Fax:(770) 278-8905

Useful Links

  • https://www.weather.gov/ffc/ 
  • https://community.fema.gov/PreparednessCommunity/s/?language=en_US 

EMA Leadership

Sharon Webb, Director
Noemi Hays, Administrative Assistant
Meredith Barnum, Deputy Director EMA
Myisha Callaway, Deputy Director 911 Operations Manager
Meg Joyner, 911 Technical Specialist
Ciji Baker, Deputy Dirctor Animal Services Operations Manager and 2022 Rockdale County Employee of the Year
ElizabethWhite, Operations and Logistics Specialist
Gerald Woodridge Jr, Planning Specialist

Proposed Millage Web Booklet
Budget Information 2025
BioLab Incident Resource Guide
Transit Development Plan Survey
Reimagine Rockdale
Rockdale Economic Development
UGA Extension