+1 (770) 278-7000

Business Licenses

Thank you for locating your business in Rockdale County. This is a basic guide to obtaining a business license in Rockdale County. We look forward to working with you!

Who needs a Business License?
Any business, profession or occupation operating within the unincorporated area of the county (outside the city limits of Conyers) must apply and obtain a business license from Rockdale County.

(Rockdale County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Article II. Licenses. Section 22-31).

Contact Us

Telephone:  770-278-7129
Fax:  770-278-8940
email: Inspections@RockdaleCountyGA.gov

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 289
Conyers, Georgia 30012

The business license fee (occupational tax) is based on the number of employees working in Rockdale County, including the owner, starting at $100 per year (see Fee Structure).

The fee for a new business license issued after July 1 will be pro-rated to half (1/2) of a full license fee, excluding the non pro-rated $25 administrative fee.

When to renew your license
The license is valid January 1st and expires on December 31of each year. Annual renewal notices are sent in November and are due and payable by December 31. To avoid a penalty, the license fee must be paid by February 1 of each year.

Commercial Business Licenses

Businesses operating in a commercial and industrial zoning district of unincorporated Rockdale County (outside Conyers city limits) must apply for a commercial business license.

The application process begins with a zoning verification by the Department of Planning and Development to ensure that the use is permitted in the proposed location, based on the Table of Permitted Uses (UDO Section 218-1). Following review and approval of the application by appropriate departments (i.e. Fire, Environmental Health, Rockdale Water Resources), a compliance inspection will be conducted by Building Inspections and the Fire Department to ensure safety. The inspection fee is $50. After all inspections are signed-off, the business license will be issued. Typically the process takes 7-10 days.

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Where to Apply:
Rockdale County Administration and Services Building
958 Milstead Avenue Conyers, Georgia 30012
Office Hours:  8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday

Telephone:  770-278-7137
Fax:  770-278-8940
email: businesslicense@rockdalecountyga.gov

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 289
Conyers, Georgia 30012

Home Occupation Licenses

Home occupation licenses are issued to businesses operating from the home in Rockdale County (outside Conyers city limits) where the business owner lives.

Generally, the physical location for a home occupation is a home office to conduct telephone and computer activity and to complete paperwork. The business must comply with the Customary Home Occupation Agreement (UDO Section 218-13 (dd)) signed by the business resident owner.

A Home Occupation business license may be issued the same day if the application is complete, with all the necessary documents.
Home Occupation License Application

Where to Apply:
Rockdale County Administration and Services Building
958 Milstead Avenue Conyers, Georgia 30012
Office Hours:  8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday

Telephone:  770-278-7137
Fax:  770-278-8940
email: businesslicense@rockdalecountyga.gov

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 289
Conyers, Georgia 30012

Non-Profit Organization Registrations

Annual registration is mandatory for all nonprofit organizations (Code Section 86-35).

Nonprofit Organization Registration

The County has an obligation to ensure that non-profit facilities are inspected for zoning compliance, building and life-safety codes, making sure that the building is safe and appropriate for the use. Previously, non-profits could occupy a facility without any notice to the county, which resulted in people gathering in buildings that were unsafe or inadequate for the type of occupancy.

Who must register?

All nonprofit organizations formed to carry out services to the benefit of the general public, including:

  • Places of worship
  • Political campaign committees
  • Charitable organizations
  • Neighborhood associations
  • Amateur sports clubs

The application process begins with verification by the Department of Planning & Development to ensure the use is permitted in the proposed location, based on the type of occupancy.

Non-residential properties may require a compliance inspection. Once the application is filed, the Department will determine if a compliance inspection is required.

Compliance Inspection Process

If a compliance inspection is required, following review and approval of the application by appropriate departments (i.e. Fire, Environmental Health, Water Resources), a compliance inspection will be conducted by building inspections and the Fire Department to ensure safety.  The inspection fee is $50.

After all inspections are signed-off, the non-profit registration certificate will be issued.  Typically the process takes 7-10 days.

Administrative Processing Fee

The processing fee is $10, payable by check, credit card or exact cash.

The registration is valid January 1 and expires on December 31  of each year.  Annual renewal notices are sent towards the end of the year and are due by December 31.

Alcohol License

A separate license is required to sell or serve alcoholic beverages on premises. See Chapter 10, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Unified Development Ordinance.

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Alcohol Handling Permit Application
Responsible Alcohol Sales & Service Info

Planning & Development

Rockdale County Planning & Development
1117 West Avenue SW,
Conyers, GA 30012
Phone: (770) 278-7100

Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Office Hours:  Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Code Enforcement

Rockdale County Code Enforcement
2570 Old Covington Highway
Conyers, GA  30012 (map)
Phone:  770-278-7103 

Report a Code Violation  

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